BY GORDON LARRIGAN MY CURRENT PROJECT: HOLOCAUST I've just refined the Holocaust code, so I'm afraid the screenshots on my page aren't really valid anymore. But that's a good thing, because now Holocaust is much better. It now has a Combo-Box (Little box with button on right hand side that activates a menu) to choose weapons from. The toolbar is much more straight-forward now, as is the enemy AI. This time, it is a lot simpler, but the game is much harder; the enemies no longer have lines of sight- they know where you are, and will hunt you down until you kill them. This means that I can have as many enemies per screen as I want (Holocaust V1 could only handle 3 per screen, because each character had individual variables.) More information is on the way, when I have time to think about it. Page Last Updated by Gordon Larrigan, 16:26, 30 April, 1999 |