ENTER THE TWISTED REALM OF GORDONS MIND, WHERE EVIL THINGS LURK AND NASTY THINGS TRY TO SELL YOU CHEAP JAPANESE STUFF. BY GORDON LARRIGAN, CHRIS HODGES AND ANDREW BAYLY Welcome to my page. Here you will find lots of programming stuff, because that's what I like. I also like Queen, but we won't bother with that right now. PROJECTS AND SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT AND STUFF At the moment, I'm working on a game called "Holocaust". It is a kind of collect-stuff-open-doors-shoot-the-bad-guys type game, but at the moment, it's really just a collection of screens with limited AI injected into the enemies. Here are some screen-shots: It's got a nice quick storyline at the moment- You arrive home from a mining mission on some moon millions of miles away, expecting to find your home planet same as always, but you find that some bloke has come along and put soldiers on every street corner. You get off the mining ship, and see a soldier shoot a civilian on sight. Apparently, the soldiers have been told to kill the poeple who work at the space-port, and anyone who arrives/tries to leave. You get captured, and it continues from there, involving you in lots of stuff about conspiracies and secrets and stuff. In the way of graphics, I've used some objects from a demo game that I found on a cover disc once. These mainly consist of the enemies, the sand tiles and some of the buildings. Others (like the menus, the weapons, counters and most of the scenery) were drawn by me. Sounds are from my extensive "Demo Salvage" library (Every time I install a demo, I check the directory for usable sounds, I.E. .WAVs, .AIFFs etc. If I find some, I copy them into my library.) which contained about 13499 sounds in all, but that includes all of the sounds in my PAK files (Quake, Halflife.) No problem there then, except that my hard drive complains a lot. For more info, CLICK HERE. You can E-Mail me ideas, graphics and sounds if you want, to"[email protected]". I would appreciate anything that would aid the progress of my game. Annoying entries will be hunted down and shot by Mr. B, the big scary one. Page Last Updated by Gordon Larrigan, 16:26, 30 April, 1999 |